Good vs Morality

A conversation

1 min readJun 17, 2024
Photo by Jorge Gardner on Unsplash

In my heart, I agree
With every point you make,
I see that your arguments are grounded on
sentiments of love and compassion,
Yet the implementation of your cries
Would require great sacrifice
From a class that lives in relative ease.
Perhaps not superfluous,
Yet certainly not in need
So even if I may agree,
Even if I may be willing
To revoke all my comforts
And journey along the path you’ve paved.
It feels morally wrong
To request others to make those sacrifices.
What about their prospects
And the future of their children?
What you speak of may have consequences
That may impact generations to come,
And I know you will say
That many more will benefit.
Yet I don’t think it’s my place
To ask anyone to abandon their comforts
For the question remains
A moral and valid claim.
Is it okay to ask people to suffer
Even if it is intellectually the most rational thing to do?
Better minds can debate
But my heart can’t take the pain.
It seems I’ll lose either way,
To be a coward or to be brave,
Yet the latter would mean
Bearing the pain of the many sacrifices made.




I write to understand myself and the world around me || Trying to be as human as I can be