An Ode to a Struggler


3 min readJan 25, 2024
Photo by Nicola Fioravanti on Unsplash

Dear struggler,
Steadfast, faithful believer,
I heard about your dream,
Your vision of what you aspired to be,
I heard about the distance you traversed,
Across sand and water,
Braving the elements so that you could support your daughter,
You heard stories of a land filled with great opportunities,
Where birth or status did not decree,
So you left a life in pursuit of dawning a new reality,
Leaving behind the artisanal mines that shaped the roughness of your hands, forging dreams from dust and strife.

The journey you embarked on, although treacherous and crude,
Was nothing compared to the struggle you’d accrued,
With great hope and a burning desire,
You overcame the journey,
And began the chronicle of a new chapter in your story.

But this tale was not to be the life you’d envisioned,
You encountered a world coloured with more inequality,
Yet you were determined to make a difference,
Not just for yourself but the people you risked your life for.




I write to understand myself and the world around me || Trying to be as human as I can be